Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dividend Income - May 2024


The month has passed again, Midsummer is also behind us and we are slowly moving towards autumn, it's time to announce my dividend income. In May 2024, the dividend income of my portfolio was as follows:

My Total dividends in May are €2,071.70 ($2,632.91). After taxes, my net dividend income is €1,536.61 ($1,929.23). In year 2023, my net dividend income in May was €1,488.70 ($1,617.81). My portfolio's net dividend income increased by €47.91 or 3.2% to compared the same month of previous year. Compared to the previous year, there have been some changes to the dividend income of May: Two new dividend payer have joined to the portfolio, namely MANTA and JGPI.DE, MED has left it, additional purchase such VZ, SBUX and O. Compared to a year ago, the holdings also included some solid dividend increases like GIS, CVS, WRK, ETN and UNM but unfortunately also dividend cut from SDIV.

This net passive income of €1,536.61 means that I received a reasonable €49.57 every day or €2.07 per every hour during May, no matter what I did. For the first five months of the year, the corresponding amounts are €62.96 per day and €2.62 per hour.

This month's dividend increased my cumulative net dividend income € 165,937.62.

Net income / expenditure

  • Net passive income for May was €1 536.61, and by the end of May it totalled €9 569.76.

  • Total expenditure for May was €896.19, and by the end of May it totalled €5,692.25.

  • The result for May was €640.42, and by the end of May it totalled €3,877.50.

I have now collected 40.7% of my target net passive income for this year, which is €23,500.00.

You can follow the development of my dividends here.

Full Disclosure: Long on above mentioned stocks except MED.

Thanks for stopping by!

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